The Things You Do To Boost Your Social Worth

No one actually cares that you didn’t live it up this weekend

Isra A.
2 min readFeb 11, 2022
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Nothing says ready for work after a (delightfully) boring weekend like climbing the elevator to the job you dread, lazy lunch in hand, rehearsing your self-gratifying monologue about how amazing your weekend was, when really it was nothing special. If Instagram stories weren’t a thing, you probably would have stayed all weekend watching Netflix.

Or maybe you had fun this weekend and your packed lunch was the product of a successful Pinterest-induced meal prep marathon. Life is going great for you.

But how often do you do things to boost your social worth?

If your weekend plans or lifestyle decisions were designed to impress other people in an attempt to stay relevant and boost your social worth, chances are you’re missing out on experiences that are actually meaningful to you, but perhaps find no place in your picture-perfect Instagram feed.

How do you know if you’ve fallen victim to the Social Worth Trap?

Definition of social worth from Medical Conditions Dictionary.

Simple. Ask yourself:

Would I genuinely enjoy visiting this restaurant/vacation destination/concert/social event or am I doing it to not miss out on the same experience “everyone” had?

Am I trying to earn some social points that will save me in a future small talk with my distant cousin who happens to be a regular business class traveler and is always eight steps ahead of me in life even though we’re very close to age?

If the answer (to these unnecessarily long questions) is yes, then you have fallen victim to the social worth trap.

The real question is: Is all the extra effort to boost your social worth really worth your time and energy?

You really shouldn’t care. Do what you love instead and check yourself before going out of your way to do something everyone else is doing.

It’s time to stop being a victim of FOMO and start living a life that impresses you before anyone else which will undoubtedly make you impressive to everyone around you.

It will show up in your smile. Your non-desperate energy and the way you carry yourself. People will immediately know you’ve been reading Mark Manson.

Do yourself right in 2022 and quit the social worth madness that only keeps you in the follower cycle. It’s time you take lead.

What is something you have done to boost your social worth?



Isra A.

Life and philosophy enthusiast on a curious journey towards self-actualization and spiritual growth. Creator,